Real-Time Chroma Key With Delta E 76
The demo below uses dE76 to incorporate a poor man's chroma key: replacing green pixels with any arbitrary user input (in this case, red&black pixel noise).
Click play, and be amazed*!
*Claim is void if you are on mobile, a slow connection, or archaic browser.
The video itself is OK Go's "WTF" - they are a fantastic band, and released the green screen footage here:
Interesting Problems
At a broad level, the demo works by calculating the dE76 value for each pixel on the HTML5 video, and then decides if that pixel is green enough or not. If that sounds intensive, that's because it is. Let's look at the fun problems encountered.
In a rush? Jump to the annotated code instead.
The Root Performance Issue
The code for this demo runs on a single thread on your CPU. That sucks. That means we are greatly limited in the size of arrays and operations we can work with.
Had we access to a GPU, or the diligence to implement web workers, we wouldn't be having this discussion. We lack both; let's get to business.
Canvas Size
The most obvious (and easiest!) performance improvement is to modify the canvas dimensions. Had we increased the demo to twice the size, the operations required per second would increase by an order of magnitude.
Even on desktop, that probably means you'll get jitter. This parlor trick won't scale.
Goodbye, Standards. Hello, Performance!
What's the best way to get performance out of a database? Do you add some indexes? Spend an afternoon profiling?
Nope. You Denormalize it*. To hell with technical debt, remove all your schema integrity and make a mess of things.
*Please don't take this as an opportunity to be pedantic.
The demo does not use the Delta E library. Instead, it uses a version of dE76 that is optimized for performance.
var pow = Math.pow;
window.dE76 = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
return Math.sqrt(pow(d - a, 2) + pow(e - b, 2) + pow(f - c, 2))
- Cut Cruft: The function above doesn't include the excess functions that the Delta-E library includes; it has a single purpose. There is also no object instantiation.
- Limit Object/Prototype Usage: The function uses more parameters in favor of passing in two color objects. The two color objects are easier to use and manage, but that comes at a performance hit: accessing properties in an object means you're accessing the prototype chain. This is a bigger performance hit than you might think.
- Localize Object Properties: Similar to above, we assigned pow to Math.pow. Although the strategy is a good practice for high performance situations, I will note I didn't see a performance difference here. That would suggest the JiT compiler is already optimizing for this.
No Integrity: requestAnimationFrame
The demo uses requestAnimationFrame , in place of something such as setTimeout.
You can think of requestAnimationFrame as UDP, and setTimeout as TCP. With the former, we don't necessarily care that every calculation is done: we just want something fast. If the calculation function gets behind, requestAnimationFrame will simply request the most current frame instead of the next one in queue.
Among other benefits, requestAnimationFrame also doesn't eat your CPU if you switch tabs.
Smaller Arrays With Uint32Array
It's typical to use the UInt8ClampedArray when working with Canvas. It's very easy to work with RGB values this way. Unfortunately, we are also working with a much larger array.
With Uint32Array we drastically reduce array access time by working with larger integers. Any time you can reduce your array size, you should - it's a huge performance bottleneck.
Okay, But Now Make it Scale
Making this scale involves getting GPU access. Luckily, that's something we can do with WebGL. If you write a pixel shader to implement the same logic in the demo, you could even have real-time calculation of Delta E 00. (And that thing is a performance hog!)
Shoutout to SeriouslyJS, which has created a pixel shader to do chroma key on the GPU.
That's all I got. View the annotated source below for some more context plus a few extra notes. Enjoy!
Annotated Source
* dE Chroma Key: Speed Optimizations
* Throughout the code I'll annotate certain items that increased efficiency
* of the formula. Real-time chromas key isn't easy, son. This was a performance
* game even for dE76.
* I'm not even using the actual DeltaE library here - what a sham. I had
* to make a couple changes here.
* 1. Make parameters all individualized, instead of objects. Any time you
* interact with an object property, you interact with the prototype chain.
* Perhaps not surprisingly, this is a massive performance hit. 6 parameters
* is nastier, but a necessary evil here.
* 2. Reference Math.pow as a local variable. Again - hitting that prototype
* chain is a performance hit.
var pow = Math.pow;
window.dE76 = function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
return Math.sqrt(pow(d - a, 2) + pow(e - b, 2) + pow(f - c, 2))
* Color conversion formulas. Previously I used the d3.js library since they
* have a fantastic API for this. My first profile showed that d3 had the
* biggest performance hit on my code, so I moved the code to local functions.
* I didn't test if the d3 functions were optimized by the JiT compiler. I did,
* however, verify the functions below were optimized properly by the compiler.
function rgbToLab(r, g, b) {
var xyz = rgbToXyz(r, g, b);
return xyzToLab(xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]);
function rgbToXyz(r, g, b) {
var _r = (r / 255);
var _g = (g / 255);
var _b = (b / 255);
if (_r > 0.04045) {
_r = Math.pow(((_r + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4);
else {
_r = _r / 12.92;
if (_g > 0.04045) {
_g = Math.pow(((_g + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4);
else {
_g = _g / 12.92;
if (_b > 0.04045) {
_b = Math.pow(((_b + 0.055) / 1.055), 2.4);
else {
_b = _b / 12.92;
_r = _r * 100;
_g = _g * 100;
_b = _b * 100;
X = _r * 0.4124 + _g * 0.3576 + _b * 0.1805;
Y = _r * 0.2126 + _g * 0.7152 + _b * 0.0722;
Z = _r * 0.0193 + _g * 0.1192 + _b * 0.9505;
return [X, Y, Z];
function xyzToLab(x, y, z) {
var ref_X = 95.047;
var ref_Y = 100.000;
var ref_Z = 108.883;
var _X = x / ref_X;
var _Y = y / ref_Y;
var _Z = z / ref_Z;
if (_X > 0.008856) {
_X = Math.pow(_X, (1 / 3));
else {
_X = (7.787 * _X) + (16 / 116);
if (_Y > 0.008856) {
_Y = Math.pow(_Y, (1 / 3));
else {
_Y = (7.787 * _Y) + (16 / 116);
if (_Z > 0.008856) {
_Z = Math.pow(_Z, (1 / 3));
else {
_Z = (7.787 * _Z) + (16 / 116);
var CIE_L = (116 * _Y) - 16;
var CIE_a = 500 * (_X - _Y);
var CIE_b = 200 * (_Y - _Z);
return [CIE_L, CIE_a, CIE_b];
* Video events
var $video = $('#video');
var computeInterval;
$video.on('playing', function() {
$video.on('pause', function() {
* Compute some frames!
* Wherever I could spot any code that was reused, I created a variable
* at the top scope. The functions below seemed to be optimized pretty well already,
* so surpringly to me, the performance gain here wasn't as large as I would
* have thought.
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas-1');
var canvasCtx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var canvasWidth = canvas.width;
var canvasHeight = canvas.height;
var video = document.getElementById('video');
var imageData, data32, clampedArray;
var labColor;
var dEScore;
var r, g, b;
var x, y;
var pixel;
* In an ideal world, computeFrame is called frequently so we don't drop in
* FPS. A couple things helped here.
* 1. requestAnimationFrame: A better, non-blocking, alternative to setInterval.
* It does a couple things for us. First, it won't steal processing power if you
* switch tabs. More importantly, if it gets behind in processing, it'll simply
* jump to the most current processing job instead of lagging behind like setInterval
* would do. A poor choice if you require every frame to be processed, but
* perfect for our use case.
* 2. Uint32Array - an array that houses 32-bit integers. Array processing in frontend
* JavaScript is incredibly costly. We use this in favor of the typical clamped
* 8 bit array, which is much larger. Using Uint32Array also gives us the ability
* to make shifts in binary to get RGB values. Easy peasy.
* 3. For testing the three green values, I wanted to exit as early as possible.
* Here it was logical to find the most abundant type of green, so we can
* exit early if we find it first. So in order: we checked for light, medium,
* then dark greens. So while the three checks would ruin our operation normally,
* all three aren't called in the majority of cases.
* 4. Most importantly, the size of the canvas is at play here. More pixels,
* Mo' problems, my gramma always said. You could increase the canvas by a factor
* of even 20% and get noticeable jitter on desktop.
* Extra fun tidbit: we could use even dE00 in real time if we had access
* to the GPU. This business is running on your processor - and that sucks.
* If this was ported to OpenGL shaders, it would run smooth as butter. Oh
* well. We love you still, Canvas.
function computeFrame() {
// Draw video to canvas
canvasCtx.drawImage(video, 0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
// use Uint32Array for performance
imageData = canvasCtx.getImageData(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
data32 = new Uint32Array(;
clampedArray = new Uint8ClampedArray(data32.buffer)
// calculate on ever pixel
for (y = 0; y < canvasHeight; ++y) {
for (x = 0; x < canvasWidth; ++x) {
pixel = data32[y * canvasWidth + x];
r = (pixel) & 0xff;
g = (pixel >> 8) & 0xff;
b = (pixel >> 16) & 0xff;
labColor = rgbToLab(r, g, b);
// test light green
dEScore = dE76(
89, -99, 79
if (dEScore < 70) {
data32[y * canvasWidth + x] =
(255 << 24) |
(0 << 16) |
(0 << 8) |
Math.floor(Math.random() * (255 - 1 + 1) + 1);
// test dark green
dEScore = dE76(
labColor[0], labColor[1], labColor[2],
44, -40, 43
if (dEScore < 24) {
data32[y * canvasWidth + x] =
(255 << 24) |
(0 << 16) |
(0 << 8) |
Math.floor(Math.random() * (255 - 1 + 1) + 1);
// test middle green
dEScore = dE76(
labColor[0], labColor[1], labColor[2],
68, -43, 53
if (dEScore < 13) {
data32[y * canvasWidth + x] =
(255 << 24) |
(0 << 16) |
(0 << 8) |
Math.floor(Math.random() * (255 - 1 + 1) + 1);
canvasCtx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
* If you put the last closing bracket an extra line below all other code,
* you get about a 10% performance gain when working with loops.
* Just kidding. That's all I got. Hope you enjoyed!